Sometimes reading about new features of the products you are using help a lot.
Using UNPIVOT I managed to reduce the length of a query from 8 seconds to about 650 - 700 ms.
The old query was doing a UNION between data based on data from some columns. The initial Query was doing this (data changed for privacy reasons):
SELECT country , year , SUM(cases) AS nbCases , isNotValidSomething , isValidSomething , 'some stuff' AS ResultType , 1 AS SortOrder , CASE Column01 WHEN 'S' THEN Sum (cases) ELSE 0 END AS Sensitive, CASE Column01 WHEN 'R' THEN Sum (cases) ELSE 0 END AS Resistant, CASE Column01 WHEN 'Unk' THEN SUM (cases) ELSE 0 END AS Unknown FROM vAll WHERE Country = @Country AND Year =@Year AND Column01 IS NOT NULL GROUP BY country, year, isNotValidSomething, isValidSomething , Column01 , rType UNION SELECT country , year , SUM(cases) AS nbCases , isNotValidSomething , isValidSomething , 'some other stuff' AS ResultType , 2 AS SortOrder ,CASE Column02 WHEN 'S' THEN Sum (cases) ELSE 0 END AS Sensitive, CASE Column02 WHEN 'R' THEN Sum (cases) ELSE 0 END AS Resistant, CASE Column02 WHEN 'Unk' THEN SUM (cases) ELSE 0 END AS Unknown FROM vAll WHERE Country = @Country AND Year =@Year AND Column01 IS NOT NULL GROUP BY country, year, isNotValidSomething, isValidSomething , Column02, rType UNION .... (there are 8 queries like this in UNION)
The new query is doing :
SELECT country, year
, SUM(cases) AS nbCases
, isNotValidSomething, isValidSomething, ID, Cols FROM vAll
ID FOR Cols in ( Column01
) up
WHERE country = @Country
AND year = @Year
GROUP BY country, year, isNotValidSomething, isValidSomething, up.ID, Cols
ORDER BY country, year desc, Cols
Thanks to this post.
All best,